
Welcome to AuthIndia, India's largest art community and a vibrant marketplace for artists and craftsmen.

We are passionate about showcasing the rich cultural heritage and artistic diversity of our country. Our platform serves as a haven for both creators and art enthusiasts, connecting them in a seamless and inspiring environment.

Our community is a melting pot of artistic expressions, where traditional craftsmanship meets contemporary innovation. From intricately woven textiles to hand-painted ceramics, from stunning sculptures to exquisite jewelry, our marketplace offers a wide range of handmade products that embody the essence of India’s artistic traditions.

We take pride in curating a collection that reflects the diversity and authenticity of Indian art. Each product featured on our platform is carefully handpicked, ensuring the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. By supporting artists and craftsmen, we aim to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage that India is renowned for.

What We Provide?


Not just another Marketplace.

AuthIndia is not just a marketplace; it is a thriving community. We foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where artists can connect with fellow creators, share their experiences, and learn from one another. Through our platform, we encourage dialogue, creativity, and the exchange of ideas, empowering artists to grow both personally and professionally.

We invite you to embark on a journey of exploration and appreciation for the incredible talent that exists in our country. Whether you are an artist looking for a platform to showcase your work or an art lover seeking unique handmade treasures, AuthIndia is here to help you.

Who we are

Uniting artists and craftsmen, celebrating India's artistic heritage, and providing a platform to showcase and sell their handmade creations.

Our history

From humble beginnings, AuthIndia has grown into India's largest art community, passionately promoting and supporting local artists and craftsmen since its inception.

Our mission

Our mission is to empower artists and craftsmen, preserve India's cultural heritage, and connect art enthusiasts with exceptional handmade creations.